Interactive Dermatology Atlas



Editors and Founding Authors
Richard P. Usatine, M.D.
Brian D. Madden, M.D.

Case Mode Main Atlas Quiz Mode
Case Mode allows you to interact with stored cases in our database as if they were patients in your office. See pictures of the lesion, take a history and order labs, then check your assessment and treatment against those of the contributing physician.
Interactive Dermatology Atlas contains more than 1000 photographs from patient visits over the past two decades. Searches can be performed by diagnosis, lesion characteristics, patient demographics, and treatments. Each image and case is extensively cross-referenced to other images in the atlas. Click on any word that is hyperlinked to complete a new search on that term.
Test your ability to recognise common clinical presentations of a wide variety of dermatological conditions. Choose a set of images to work from, and the system will display the images one case at a time, together with key descriptors. Make a tentative diagnosis, then press a button to check your answer.
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